Monday, April 1, 2013

iMovie Preproduction

Today, we begin a new unit where we'll be using iMovie to create films that we'll share with the rest of the school. You're all pretty familiar with using the software, but perhaps you haven't thought quite so much about what actually goes into making a movie.

  1. What sort of planning needs to happen before filming (pre-production)?

  2. What do we need to remember while we're filming (production)?

  3. What happens afterwards (post-production)?

Form groups of 3-5 people:

  • each gender must be represented

  • 3-5 people

  • different partners from your presentations

  • signup on this sheet

  • create a Google Doc and share it with me and the whole group and me (filename: IT 9.1 - Movie Ideas - Group Member Names)

  • in today's class, you will begin to brainstorm possible ideas for movie genres, plots, and concepts

  • by Thursday, you will 'pitch' your idea to me to see if I approve (think of it like Hollywood writers trying to get their movie or TV show produced)

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