Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hey tech geniuses! Here's your chance to show your tech knowledge to the new teachers and students coming in next year.

We're going to spend the next couple of classes coming up with screencasts and tutorials to instruct the new folks on how IT works here at SWA.

Take a look at the following examples to see what we're looking for.

Take Your Blog With You

How to Embed Google Docs into Your Blog

So, everyone choose THREE things that you want to help with and create an embedded video using Quicktime, or a post with screenshots and instructions.

SWA Stuff

Powerschool access - Gabe
Using help desk
Top up your ID card - George
Computer use for IB students - Nadia
How to perform a software update - George
What to do when you lose internet access - Darian


Creating menus in blogs - Nahyeon
Creating headers in blogs - Nahyeon
Posting - Farah
Inserting images, video and presentations - Johnathan
Creating a link - Gabe

Google Docs

Creating a file - Yohan
Copying a file - Johnathan
Uploading a file - David
Uploading a folder - David
Naming a file - David
Sharing a file - Farah

Google Sites

Converting files with Handbrake - Yohan
Using Spotlight - Nadia
Adding jwaonline account to Mail
Backing up with Time Machine - Darian
Embedding a pdf using Issuu
How to change keyboard language - Gabe
Changing Tabs/Windows/Spaces (CMD + TAB/~)
Force Quit applications - Johnathan
Changing Locations - David
Making a screenshot - Farah

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Facebook Ruining Marriage?

Read the following article and create a blog post that discusses the role of Facebook in romantic relationships. Should people know everything about each other or is having privacy a good thing? Try to relate a personal experience you've had with this.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Here's a new program we can play around with to make games for iPhone and iPad! See me for the .dmg file.

Here's the Crash Course:

You'll see that it's similar to Scratch in a lot of way, but it comes with more options and better graphics as soon as you open it up. Experiment with it and have some fun!

Dreamweaver Tutorial #1

Watch the following Dreamweaver tutorial and follow along with the program open. We'll be experimenting with making websites for the remainder of the year.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Planning Stage

Please take a look at Sherry's Plan stage from Project 1 for a great example of what to do for yours!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ITGS Exam Prep

Please review the following topics in preparation for your exam on Friday, May 11. I've listed the page numbers from the textbook, but remember to click on each heading as well, since we have discussed these topics on the blog. In fact, you will find just as much important information on the blog as you will find in the textbook. (Hint! Use the tagcloud and the search function!)

Hardware (pg 29-93)

- different types of computers

- different types of software/hardware

- Communication methods

- Input/Output devices

Information Systems (pg 253-268)

- Definition

- Examples of Information Systems

- Uses

Virtual Learning Environments (pg 308-321)

- IT and Education

- Authentication

- File formats

- Applications for VLEs

Spreadsheets (pg 228-246)

- Formulae

- Charts

- Macros

- Cells