Thursday, September 27, 2012


Choose one of these three activities

1) Answer these questions on your blog:

1. If you and your friends know this is happening and do nothing about it, what
message does this send to the bully?
2. What are some things you can do or say?
3. If you choose to stand up for your classmate, how have you impacted your school
climate regarding cyber bullying?
4. In standing up for your classmate, what message is communicated to your classmate?  To the bully?


2) Read the following scenario and picture yourself as part of this group:

Eating pizza around the computer on Saturday with her friends, Jan sees that Chris, an
unpopular kid in their class, just logged on to Instant Messenger. Someone suggests they
tease Chris, who is always trying to join their friend group. Your friends all join in and
provide suggestions and start pressuring Jan. You are beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable.
At the request of the group, Jan starts asking personal questions of Chris like who he likes
best -- Drew or Jamie? Chris shares a lot of personal information thinking it’s a good way to
be a part of the group. Your friends have fun stringing Chris along and decide to create an
anonymous blog. There they post the IM transcript and share the blog URL with lots of kids
at school – including Drew and Jamie. By Monday, they know half the school will have read
it and Chris will be a total joke.

Assignment: What would you do if you were a part of this group of friends? Write 1-2
paragraphs explaining how this situation would make you feel, how you think you would
respond or participate and why.


3) Pick one scenario below to answer. Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining your thoughts.

1. How will Chris feel? What could Chris do? . If you were one of the kids who got the URL, how would you feel knowing that you were
never supposed to have seen this? What would you do when you saw Chris? Would you post
a response to the blog?
3. It doesn’t matter that this situation didn’t happen at school. It’s now all over school and
everyone is reacting. What should the school do about it?
4. What would you do if you saw Chris very upset at school?
5. Do you think Jan and the group of friends feel sorry? Or do they like watching Chris’
humiliation and start looking for new targets?
6. If you’re targeted next what are you going to do? Are you as comfortable sharing
information now or trusting others to be respectful of you?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Introduction to Access

Watch the video below if you ever need a refresher course on how to set up a simple database using Access. We'll create some more complex ones later.

If you prefer pictures and text, click here.

Try to create a simple database for some other purposes.

Money spent during the week
Music listened to
Time spent during the week
Hospital use
Hotel booking
Sports teams at SWA

Monday, September 24, 2012

10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time


After you complete the Piracy assignment, do some research and prepare a post that outlines the evolution of computer viruses. (Complete the questions as a post on your own blog.)

  1. Why are they actually called 'viruses'? how are they similar to the flu?

  2. When did they begin? Create an outline showing the early days of viruses all the way to present day. Make this as a picture and post it on your blog. HINT: wikipedia is your friend for this!

  3. What is the purpose?

  4. What are the different types of viruses out there?

  5. How do they work? (What do they do to a computer?)

  6. How do they spread? Has this changed throughout the history of viruses?

  7. Why are Macs less likely to be attacked?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is Piracy Good For Music?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"] taken from[/caption]

I want you to pretend that you completely disagree with this article. Imagine you are a Record Label executive, and your position is that music piracy is 100% negative. Create a post that will convince people to stop downloading music and any other pirated material (films, software, etc).

Grade 9s, please do the complete opposite! Your job is to defend piracy with LOGICAL and RATIONAL arguments. As both grades finish, please comment on the others' posts (you can find the links below).

Please use images, links, and quotes from other websites (but remember to cite your sources!).


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hacking, the Government, and YOU!

(image from


Take a look at the terrifying article and video above and answer the following as a comment to this post:

  1. How safe is information on the internet? What can we do to protect ourselves?

  2. Read this article for a History of Hackers.

  3. What do you think hackers want? How has it changed throughout the years?

  4. Should the government be allowed to 'hack' in order to keep people safe?

  5. Have you had any experiences with your data or passwords being compromised online? Describe any stories you have.

  6. Can you predict what hacking will be like in the future? Will it still only taget computers and laptops? What other targets could there be?

  7. Find another article related to hacking or internet safety and post the link on your blog with a short summary.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Trip Reflection


Now that we're back from our trips, let's reflect a bit on our blogs. Please include some pictures (if you took some).

  • what do you think the purpose of the trips is?

  • what did you learn about your classmates?

  • what did you learn about yourself?

  • what did you learn about the world?

  • what was your favorite activity during the trip?

  • is there anything you would change if you had to do it again?

  • do you have any advice for the next year group?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Computer vs Brain

Who wins??!

Future of Robots

Do you think that Computers will ever 'Catch Up' to the human brain? Do you think they are better than us in some ways already? What do you think the dangers are if computers continue to develop? (Think about movies like I, Robot or Terminator or AI).

Post responses on your blogs. This could be in the form of a paragraph, or a short story that shows what it would be like if computers were advanced enough to interact with humans.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knowledge Issues

Okay, your first formal assessment is to be handed in on September 18. Your taks is to create a Knowledge Issue right from the bottom up. You will be responsible for finding an article that you're interested in and creating the 5 'layers' of the Knowledge Issue sheet:

Also include a write-up that will explain how you moved from each layer of the table. How did you get from a 'Poor' Knowledge Issue to an Intermediate one? What did you expand or emphasize? Take a look at this keynote for review if you're stuck.

If you get really stuck trying to find an article, there's a whole bunch of them here.

Good luck, TOKers!

Hardware Overview

Hey Grade 9s, take a look at the following links to remind yourself of what sort of hardware is inside your computer:

What's most important?

What's inside?

When you're done, answer the following question on your blog:

If we pretend that a computer is like a human body, what are the parts? Make an analogy.

This link will help.

What's the CPU?

What's the RAM?

What's the Power Supply?

What's the difference between the different kinds of 'memory'?

Post your analogy on your blog. Include a diagram like this one (you can create your own, too). 

It won't be perfect, but see how many you can fill in.

When should Governments be allowed to Spy on Citizens?


Take a look at the terrifying article or video above and answer the usual questions:

1) Who are the stakeholders? What social/ethical concerns are addressed ?

2) What IT systems are involved ? How are they connected to the social/ethical concerns?

3) How are the stakeholders impacted?

Finally, How are these two articles connected? What are the similarities and difference?

Monday, September 3, 2012



Create a post on your blog that shows how much computers have changed during your lifetime. Remember, you have watched the invention of iPhones, iPads, smartboards, fast wi-fi, etc. What other changes have you witnessed.

Finally, write a paragraph describing what you think the major changes in the next five years will be.

IT 9 Hardware Text

Here I've embedded the Hardware information that is required for ITGS. Please open it up in a new window and download a copy for yourself. (Don't worry, I'm getting a better scan of it soon).

Please read page 29-36 for tomorrow's class and we'll talk more about the specifics then.

Hardware Quiz!!

Make sure you're logged into your @jwaonline account to see the quiz!



Ever wonder what the inside of your Macbook looks like?