Thursday, August 25, 2011

ITGS Sample Exam Question

Below, you will find an example of what to expect on the the Essay Questions in ITGS. Please answer the following question on your blog.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SWA News

Grade 7s, today we begin the SWA News unit. Make sure you look through the documents on the IT 7 page (at the top of my blog) to see the examples and how you'll be assessed. Also, check out the 'Design Cycle Explained' link in the sidebar for step-by-step instructions on how to get through each stage.

News can be delivered in a number of different ways. Can you think of three different methods for delivering the news? Check out a few very popular news websites to see how they are different.

Remember, the internet is only one way to deliver the news; don't limit yourself!

Monday, August 22, 2011

ITGS August 22

Today, your task is to find a news article that relates to one of the Areas of Impact that are outlined in Section 3 of the ITGS syllabus. The idea is to find real-life, current situations that show how the world is constantly being affected by IT. You will need to post the article on your blog and ask two questions (designed to start discussions with your classmates). Finally, you must go to two other blogs and answer the questions that have been asked there.

3. Areas of Impact
3.1. Business and Employment Nadia
3.2. Education Nahyeon
3.3. Health Darian
3.4. Arts, Entertainment, Leisure George
3.5. Science/Environment Yohan
3.6. Politics/Government Yohanes

This will be an assignment that we do throughout the year and you will rotate through each of the the Areas of Impact.

Advertising SWA

Okay, grade 8s! We begin the Advertising SWA unit today.

On our class page, you’ll find the assignment and the assessment criteria. Go through it thoroughly in order to find out how you’re going to be marked. Make sure to take a look at the example by Sun Young Choo as well, if you’re unsure of how you should be following the Design Cycle.

Additionally, here are some links to help you get an idea of how bands actually promote themselves:

Obviously, websites and other online promotions are one way of doing it, but don’t limit yourself to just that way. Explore other options!

Make sure your 6 designs include the following:

- 2 Website designs

- 2 Newsletter or Print designs

- 2 video/broadcast designs *Must include a Storyboard*

    Band Promotion

    Okay, grade 9s! We begin the Band Promotion unit today.

    On our class page, you'll find the assignment and the assessment criteria. Go through it thoroughly in order to find out how you're going to be marked. Make sure to take a look at the example by Sun Young Choo as well, if you're unsure of how you should be following the Design Cycle.

    Additionally, here are some links to help you get an idea of how bands actually promote themselves:

    Obviously, websites and other online promotions are one way of doing it, but don't limit yourself to just that way. Explore other options!

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Grade 7.2 Custom Header Contest!

    Here's what you need to do:

    Click on each of the Links in our Class pages and decide which header you think is the best one. Post your vote as a Reply to this post.


    No, you can't vote for yourself!!!!

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Custom Header Contest!

    It's time to see who has the best computer-art skills in 8.3! Click on the 8.3 page in the Sidebar and go through your classmates pages. Reply to this post and cast your vote.

    No, you may not vote for yourself!!

    Custom Header Contest!

    Okay, IT 9.2! Time to vote.


    Who has made the best Custom Header for their page? Remember, the link is in the sidebar under Student Pages.


    And no, you can't vote for yourself!

    Custom Headers

    How to make a Custom Header

    1) Picnik (You can change the language

       at the bottom of the page)


    2) Click on ‘Collage’ and choose the

        horizontal layout.

    3) Find four photos that represent you

       and insert them into the design.

    4) Play around with the Options and

       create a header that shows the world

       who you are!

    5) Choose ‘Resize’ and set it to 969 x

       213 (you’ll have to uncheck ‘Keep


    6) When you’re done, click on ‘Save and

        Share’ and save it to your desktop.

    7) The option for adding it to your blog

        is in your Dashboard under

       ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Theme Options’ ->

       ‘General Options’ -> ‘Custom Header’

    8) You can also change your background, if you want to.

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    The Design Cycle re-re-re-visited

    Today, I'd like you to do some research on the Design Cycle, in order to remind ourselves about exactly what it is. We'll go through the website here, and take a look at this student example. After that, it is your responsibility to find three links to share in a post on your page and answer the following questions:

    1) How is the Design Cycle a useful tool for IT?

    2) What part of the process seems to be the most useful and why?

    3) If you could eliminate one part of the Design Cycle, which part would it be and why?

    (Make sure you TAG and CATEGORIZE your posts with IT 7, 8, or 9, and any other things you think might fit [ie. Design Cycle, MYP, etc])

    Finally, find TWO posts on other pages and leave a comment for them (the links will be available to you through my blog).


    For your reference, here is the Design Cycle:


    The design Cycle


    1. 1.    Investigation

    1. Situation

    • What is the task?

    • What AOI

    • Who is the client?  -

    • Brainstorm what is the client needs?

    2. Interview client – photos / Summary

    3. Case Study – 3 Existing ideas

    4. How it is made ie plywood’s , acrylics

    5. Materials – Joints – fixtures- fittings

    6. How does this (POSSIBLY) effect our environment and society

    7. Design Brief (I am going to design and make ………)

    8. Specification – test against specification (suggest ways you are going to test your end product, 3 or more tests)

    9. Summary of Investigation.

    1. Sources.  Reference to diagrams and text.  Min 10 sources


    1. 2.    Design

    1. Design 6 ideas

    2. Evaluate against specification

    3. Development à meet specification (improve your chosen design, add notes materials sizes and use colour)

    4. Working drawing – (plan front and side view and dimensions)

    5. 3D design of Final ideas justified – (3D view of drawing)


    1. 3.    Plan

    1. Step by step - Process for making

    2. Gantt chart - Time management

    3. Evaluate the plan


    1. 4.    Create

    1. Manufacture

    2. Documented evidence (Process journal) à VIP Take photos (lots), Sketches, diagrams and document any modifications in process journal


    1. 5.    Evaluation

    1. Meeting Specifications

    2. Carry out tests Product testing.

    3. Successful Points and Least Successful Points

    4. Modifications/Improvements

    5. Peer to Peer

    6. What does the client think?

    7. Evaluating My Performance at Each Stage of the Design Cycle.

    8. The Impact to society.

    9. The Impact on the Environment.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Why Blog?

    As we start the new school year and begin this new blogging system, I’m interested to know what your thoughts and expectations are. Whether you like it or not, the top schools in the world are starting to adopt this system, so it is here to stay.

    What do you think are the good/bad things about this system when compared to the tradition system (ie. teacher gives you a handout, you do it at home and bring it back)? Will this make organization easier or harder? Will you be able to communicate more or less effectively? Is this just another IT tool that we’re making you learn? Tell me your thoughts! (Reply by posting a comment at the bottom of this page...)

    (image taken from:

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Welcome to IT!

    Hey kids, welcome to the IT course for 2011-2012! This blog is where you'll be doing the majority of your reflections and where you'll ask questions (both to me and to your fellow students). Think of it as your own virtual notebook that you can share with the rest of SWA as we do our best to keep up with the crazy digital world.

    Your first task is to take a look around my blog. You'll notice there are links up at the top which will bring you to our coursework for the year. There's also an 'About' link, which is something I'd like us all to create today. Go ahead and click on my 'About' page and we'll get started.