Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SOPA/PIPA: For or Against?


"I want to make it clear right at the outset

that our fight against content theft is not a

fight against technology. It is a fight

against criminals." - Christopher Dodd,

Chairman of the MPAA


You will be split into two groups (girls vs boys, just because we haven't done that yet). Nahyeon and Nadia, your job will be to defend SOPA/PIPA as an important development and a necessary new legislation. The boys will attack using reason and logic and come up with arguments that these acts are unnecessary/intrusive.


Spend today's class familiarizing yourself with both sides of the argument.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today, we start your first project: SWA Advertising. Click here for the project description.


(image from: http://www.falkinsadvertising.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Advertise-your-business-here-in-Kelowna.gif)

Check out this clip for the 'Ten Funniest Commercials of All Time'.

Also, check out this link for the 'Top 33 Print Ads of All Time'.

Try to find some more funny ads and post them on your own blog for homework. Find one video and at least 2 pictures.


Remember, that your advertisement has to achieve to goal of telling the world about SWA and how great it is to be a student here!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Topics to review for the ITGS exam (January 27th):

1. Online fraud
- "phishing"
- how do banks protect their customers?
2. Mulitmedia
- in the news and/or classroom
3.  Weather
- model vs simulation
- preventing/predicting natural disasters
4. Robots in the Health industry
- battlefield
- hospital

Check out the comments on this post for some useful research articles. You should also spend a lot of time checking out the ITGS Collaborative Vocabulary to have ideas of some of the terms you can use. Finally, check out the List of ITGS Abbreviations so you know what some of the terms on the test mean.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Personal Technology Experiences

Welcome back, folks! I hope you have an excellent Winter break. There was some great blogging going on over the break, and I'm happy to see some folks using their blogs for something not entirely connected to school.


Please check out Nadia's post. This is something that could easily appear on an ITGS exam, since it is exactly what the examiners are looking for. Notice how she uses a personal experience and finds a way to relate it to the ITGS strands. Create a post where you are using a situation you encountered in your own life and show how technology was a factor. Be sure to include IT terms from the list.

Some examples could include:

- losing your internet connection (or your phone!)

- connecting with a friend you had lost contact with

- using games as an educational experience

- the moment you realized you were 'addicted' to technology

- teaching an adult how to use a computer

- anything else you can think of!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome Back!!!

Photo by Mark Strozier

Hello folks, I hope you all had a restful and relaxing Winter vacation. Time to explore the exciting world of IT! From robots to satellites to movie animation, we'll be covering a lot of territory.

We need to get started quickly this term, since there are so many holidays coming up.

So, please save and open up this document.


The first step is to bookmark my blog. You'll notice that your grade level is listed at the top of the page. That's where you can find all the work that we'll be doing this semester. Remember that we'll be using the Design Cycle for each project, so if you have any questions about it, you can look for the link on the righthand-side of this page.

The next step is to make sure that you have access to your own blog. You'll need to remember the password from last term, and I'll need you to give me each of your ID numbers, so I can set up the links on my page.

Finally, we'll need to make sure you have access to your Gmail account, since that's where we'll be keeping all of your work throughout the course.

I know it's a lot of stuff to get organized so soon, but the faster we do it, the easier it'll make the rest of the year.